Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Disney Shopping Bags

I found the PERFECT solution!

I purchased ten of these bags at the Disney store for $2.50 EACH!

They have a big wide base and aren't too tall. I'm loving these!

We have really gotten our shopping down! Since we fill a cart when we go, right before checkout, my son grabs a second cart (empty) and we push it through to the checker. Then we unload our cart and she has an empty cart to load (like Costco does). Then she doesn't have to stack all the bags on her shelf, waiting for us to unload. It is streamlined!

We keep our shopping bags in the backseat of the van. Then on shopping day, move them to the front seat so I don't forget to take them in. What a huge convenience and I feel good about reusing them. It makes hauling the groceries inside a lot easier, too.

UPDATE: 01/16/2013...I need to put "grocery bags" on the top of my shopping list so I don't forget to take them into the store!


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