Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free Meal Planner-Sheet 1

I used to think that people who planned meals used a "magical system" with special tools to help them do what seemed impossible to me! So here's your big chance at my magical Free Meal Planner Sheet. Yep, it is just a simple grid. Click here for the PDF.
The important thing is not that you use MINE but that YOU FIND OUT WHAT YOURS SHOULD LOOK LIKE. That is a key to educating yourself about how YOU are going to solve the "meal planning problem".

STEP 1: Get out at least 10 sheets of blank or lined paper
STEP 2: Sketch out a week or a month "calendar" on your paper
STEP 3: pretend you have 5 meals (spaghetti, hamburgers, chicken casserole, fish steaks and taco salad) for example and now put them on the paper as if you were planning to eat these next week for dinners

NOTICE what format you you like the paper to be in the landscape or portrait position? Do you like to see the week or month all at once? Be willing to accept for awhile that you may not really know what you like best.

Keep your attempts in a 3 ring notebook while you work it out.
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