Monday, January 17, 2011

Hopeful Chef - Capable Cook

Ever since I got married (20+ years ago), I have spent my time D R E A D I N G the daily task of planning and preparing meals.  I have tried (at least 99 times) to properly plan meals for my family with no lasting success. I spent the early years of my marriage "grilling" (ha ha) everyone about how they went about feeding their families.  In the past, I've signed up for numerous meal plan email subscriptions, purchased a few cookbooks, recipes, kitchen gadgets, calendars and planners in hopes of finding the system or method that might work for me. NOTHING has had any kind of lasting impact. I recently resigned myself to boxed macaroni & cheese, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, hot dogs and cheese toast believing I was inept and forever hopeless at feeding my family properly.

In my opinion, there are 3 "food lists":
The 'A List'-food that is commonly accepted as healthful...steamed and raw vegetables, whole grain bread, brown rice, lean meats, low-fat dairy and healthy fish (fresh, raw & minimal processing)
The 'B List'-foods made with sour cream, cheese, tortillas, butter, oil & anything with lots of carbs
The 'C List'-C is for Chips, Cheesy, Chocolate and Carbohydrate-junk food! (you know who you are!)

I've never quite hit upon my "ultimate goal" of finding the right balance of healthy (but not burdensome and over-priced), easy to prepare (but not super-processed ingredients) and YUMMY recipes. If I found a cookbook I thought was inspirational, then it only promoted B List foods or the recipes were mostly A List foods, but items we really didn't enjoy or were hard-to-find or expensive. Or the kids didn't like anything I cooked (GREAT, go to all that trouble and expense and no one is chewing!) And of course, C List foods are just downright super-convenient-we've eaten A LOT of those.

In recent years, I haven't put any effort into the task (and responsibility) of cooking so everyday I experience the burden of not planning ahead. HOW DRAINING!

When we began homeschooling several months ago, I realized I would need to prepare ALL MEALS AT HOME FOR MY KIDS. There were no school lunches to fall back on and the reality that they would each eat 21 meals per week at home (not including snacks) made me realize I needed to put some kind of plan together.

I decided to simply have a plan for breakfasts...and we've been doing that. My daughter Sarah (7) enjoys having an egg puff most mornings and Daniel (10) prefers to start the day with cold cereal. That's mostly what we do right now, though I'm looking forward to offering a little more variety as I increase my expertise as a cook.

Lunches have mostly been soup & sandwiches, mac n cheese, hamburger helper or grilled cheese sandwiches with fruit. Dinners range from hot dogs to mac n cheese to breakfast for dinner.  Mom gets about a C- grade for nutrition and enjoyment. Sigh.


today was

D I F F E R E N T and that's what inspired me to start this blog.

It took me several hours to name this blog...which has kept me up entirely too late past my bedtime.

I really like "Capable Cook" because capable implies HOPE of accomplishing,  I am certainly ABLE to cook and plan, but I'm not skilled at it (yet!)

I also had several other names:
my cooking adventure
kitchen courageous
croutons for breakfast
black belt breakfast
my non-stick life
daring household
domestic mom
rookie cook
desperate chef
misfit chef
chef in training
inept chef (adept chef!)
mom can I have a piece of candy
I'm still hungry

These were a few choices of blog titles, but My Cooking Journal is really what I want to represent JOURNEY into being able to do this thing right (or at all). So I will JOURNAL my JOURNEY. I am only just beginning so this is really a step of faith to document as of it because as of right now, nothing really positive exists! I'm excited to see what unfolds!

Since John went grocery shopping last Thursday, I had what I needed to make chili and banana bread on Sunday (today). Though not everyone appreciated the walnuts and chocolate chips, I created some serious interest in this loaf! AND it is cooked the past when I've made it, the bread is mushy inside and dark brown and hard on the outside (yuck)...this tastes WONDERFUL and I LOVE the whole wheat flour...hearty. I made that!!!


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