Monday, January 17, 2011

How Often Do You Grocery Shop?

Do you have any difficulty shopping for an entire week's groceries in one trip? Our goal has always been "once a week to the grocery store". Ironically, we end up going 4 times per week BECAUSE I DON'T PLAN AHEAD. But we still have had this belief that "a good shopper only goes to the store once a week".

When I checked out the cookbook from the library, I took out my blank weekly plan sheet and started plugging in a few meals I wanted to try...then a HUGE AH-HA!

We now (miraculously) quite recently started eating dinner together on Tuesday and Wednesday night before family activities. So I realized that if I could focus on just creating dinners on those nights, well, that would be a start.

Then it occurred to me that John (who selflessly has done ALL the grocery shopping for the past 3 1/2 years) likes to go to the store on Sunday nights after the kids go to bed. He is UBER efficient and can estimate the total cost of grocs down to about 10 cents. Seriously. He's THAT good!

So here is what came out of this...if I plan two dinners on Tuesday and Wednesday, John could shop for those meals on Sunday night. I also want to be sure and have something planned for Saturday and Sunday night (so we don't have to get pizza!)...and by golly, since he doesn't mind stopping at the store on the way home from work on Thursday nights, he could easily shop for Sat/Sun meals then!

What this means for me is this:
Tuesday Chicken
Wednesday Beef
These meals get shopped for on Sunday.

Saturday Chicken
Sunday Beef
These meals get shopped for on Thursday.

I think I can do this!

This is a revolutionary way of looking at grocery shopping for us!

photo credit:
Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot /


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