Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Meal Planning Organization Philosophy

After I started my self-education in January I started getting curious about recipes-online. When I saw a pretty picture of food I thought I might like, I printed it out on a full sheet of blank paper.

This helped me start a notebook of possible recipes to fill in those days with no ideas.

There are so many different SIZES of paper and index cards. I just pulled the plug on the insanity and decided to organize everything on 8 1/2"x11" blank paper-hurrah! What to do:

1-purchase a ream of blank computer paper
2-purchase a box of 100 semi-heavy clear page protectors (don't bother with the flimsy cheap ones, they rip!)
3-purchase 2 at least 1" 3-ring binders

This will allow you to have a RECIPE BOOK for your favorites (tape those index cards from your recipe box on a blank sheet and put in a page protector-or better yet, copy the card onto a document and print it out-then toss the card in the recycle bin!) Your 2nd binder is your "home" for your planning sheets...I keep my main monthly plan in a page protector where I can add to it and reference it for grocery lists, blank plans and blank grocery sheets in this binder. I also put recipes for the month into this binder. So now you have a RECIPE BINDER and a MEAL PLANNING BINDER. All nice and tidy and in one cookbooks (all 3!) are on the same shelf with the binders.

I have friend who have shelves and shelves of cookbooks. Might  I suggest SELLING them on eBay?! There's so many, many recipes to be found online, why waste your shelf spacing STORING cookbooks? Put your favorite recipes into your binder and get rid of the rest of the cookbooks! (Unless a book has many favorite recipes, then I suppose it would be worth keeping).

1 comment:

  1. Your cookbook is so similar to mine, but yours looks neater... I need to organize mine again, as I take the sheets out and put on the fridge when I am using them, and often forget to put them back. LOL! I love this system though, having the recipes in my computer and on paper works well for me. I love the idea of having shopping sheets and meal planning sheets in the cookbook... I need to add that to my system... although I am redoing my system as I am having the girls plan two meals per week and they are finding new recipes of their own which is throwing my system way off... LOVE IT! It's a problem I am A-OK with. I got rid of all but 2 of my most favorite recipe books too. Love having the shelf space.


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